
Mega Flour was established in the year 2013, with the objective to provide premium quality wheat products and related ingredients for baking and food manufacturing products.

Mega Flour is the exclusive distributor for one of the highest qualities of flour manufacturer, Prima Flour. With our strategic partnership, Prima Flour provide insight of culture and understanding of flour that suits to customer needs. Live up by their tagline ” The right flour makes the best'”, Mega Flour has solution on wheat related product that can fulfils customer needs.

Currently with 4 warehouses in Johor, Selangor, Penang and Sabah, Mega Flour able to meet the demand of flour in the market. Mega Flour owns a baking studio equipped with baking equipment and in-house technical chef to develop new innovative idea and also advise customer to meet market demand.

此外,为了协助本公司客户群的业务发展,Mega Flour也提供了以下一些附加增值服务:

  • 提供多样化种类的小麦产品(小麦粉、淀粉)、烘焙油脂、和冷冻食品。
  • 特邀来自日本,台湾,中国,及新加波的技术厨师,为客户提供面粉相关培训。
  • 因应个别要求提供持续性的支援和疑难排除服务。
  • 覆盖全马的优秀分销网络,由我们专业的物流、行销、市场营销、以及技术支援团队所组成。

Certification All products is halal certified by Jakim and Mega Flour is granted certification of approval (COA) for flour import and licenses of wholesales of flour, rice, sugar and edible oil.

3500 全马逾3500个客户群



Organization Chart

Experiences in baking industry, with 4 warehouse located in Malaysia, and we’re also an exclusive distributor of one of the highest quality flour –

PRIMA FLOUR(百龄麦)的独家代理商。


我们在烘焙行业拥有深厚的经验,全马拥有4个仓库,同时我们也是首屈一指的优质面粉品牌 – PRIMA FLOUR(百龄麦)的独家代理商。

Growth Rate

Experiences in baking industry, with 4 warehouse located in Malaysia, and we’re also an exclusive distributor of one of the highest quality flour –

PRIMA FLOUR(百龄麦)的独家代理商。


  • Mega flour is planning to expend market penetration and market share. For this Mega fFlour is starting own website and social media to reach out to more audience
  • Mega Flour plan to penetrate into consumer market in this line dairy product eg. Butter and meat product
  • Mega actively looking for new product to complete product range. Company in planning to go into 1)Machinery 2)Frozen Product 3)Chocolate 4)Dairy Products
  • Mega Flour set its target with 30% sales grow every year. This proven based on historical sales record since company establishment